HOT ROD: A Tribute Zine
Totem I
Totem II
I Can Tell They're Looking At Us/ How I Learned To Fuck Zine
Totem III
HOT ROD: A Tribute Zine

SOLD OUT - A tribute zine I made dedicated to the man, the myth, the legend: Sir Rod Stewart. My first collaboration with Crummy House, with artwork by Mason McFee, Jess Rose Clark, Minka Sicklinger, Othelo Gervacio Jr, and Emerald Grippa. All words by myself. Described by Rod Stewart's oldest fan club the SMILER in the U.K. as "a brilliant masterpiece." LOL. For real though.


SOLD OUT - My second collaboration with Crummy House. Featuring art by Mason McFee, Minka Sicklinger, Brian Villalon, and William Gaynor. All words by myself. An honest exploration into the wolf inside some of us.


GONE - A trio of short stories I wrote, all of them fiction, while I was in New Orleans in 2015. Commentary on current events with an emphasis on race and class and relationships. One of the stories, The Stoop, would later be published with Poydras Review. This was a collaboration with Emerald Grippa, who helped me format the zine and put the art together.

Totem I

The first issue of my comic book. A world where spirit animals roam in a post apocalyptic era and dream of their human counterparts. Occasionally they come across an indigenous fruit that accelerates those experiences in some wild ways. This is dedicated to all my loves from Uchi Austin. Many thanks to the wildly talented Keith Ansel for illustrations and Eden Chubb for coloring and the cover. I hope this project will be able to continue. The idea is so fucking pretty. To purchase, email


GONE - An ode to some of my favorite dives and some of my favorite poets of Los Angeles. I worked on this with my long time collaborators Brian Villalon and Mauricio Pattaroyo. Mau did the cover and Brian did the formatting as well as the comic of the rats. Once in New Orleans, my friend Todd and I actually heard that conversation happen between two human beings in broad daylight. Life is beautiful. In the daylight and the night.

Totem II

So excited to see this project keep going. So much thanks to Eden Chubb for her seriously killer work here. She did all the illustrations AND coloring!!! EXCEPT for the cover, which was illustrated by a long time favorite of mine living in New Orleans as well presently, Ian Smith. I actually wouldn't even know Eden if it weren't for Ian, so it was a must to get him to work on this with us. In this second issue, all the main characters finally meet and the intrigue and mystery continue to build. Really beautiful work. Email to purchase.

I Can Tell They're Looking At Us/ How I Learned To Fuck Zine

GONE - Sending this small batch of zines out to a selected and lucky few. It was just something I had to make. A reoccuring theme of my past few years and who knows how many more to come: NOSTALGIA IS A TRAP. A lesson you learn only by unraveling the tricks of the mind, some real Owen Wilson in Midnight in Paris type shit. And who would want to constantly live in the present? You either see too much or see too little. I only cry at comic book movies anymore. I never had a dedicated period of time to chasing tail, but when I did focus on it, like anything else in my life, I gave it a whole lot of thought. Shout out to Jess at the Glendale Kinkos for the hook up!

Totem III

This took a lot longer to come out than I anticipated, but I’m glad it finally did come out. I think it is the gnarliest one so far. My long time friend Mauricio Pattaroyo did the cover, illustration and coloring. It looks amazing. Inside, I had Dani Martire, Keith Ansel, and Salvador Covarrubias each contribute a page, each one a separate dream of the dog, baboon, and bear. I like mixing it up like this, it reminds me of a favorite comic of mine, Fables. And of course, Eden covered the rest of the book along with coloring. Email to purchase.


Words by me. Illustrations and design by Mauricio Patarroyo. Soft pink hard stock cover. Natural paper. Lessons of society. Glimpses of horror and fantasy. Paths to salvation. Limited edition. Tetris Press. Love you, BV. Email to purchase.


4 of 5. The arc is almost complete. A new character is introduced, mysteriously. Polar Bear and Baboon enter the fight. Their Enemy reconfigures their strategy. No more running. Email to purchase.

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